Reliably Protecting Data and Devices
Security Technology and Services
The security product series in USB, microSD, and SD form factors addresses the growing demand for mobile, portable and industrial security. The products offer tangible hardware security in the same manner as the plug and play approach. They offer unique hardware security which is very suitable for retrofit and updates in the field.
For various markets, Swissbit offers a broad set of security use cases. The flash memory can be used by any host to store data on the cards at high speed. Additional security functions of the card can be activated to protect any data.
Valuable data such as sensitive files, emails, photos, OS images, firmware updates, log files, and audit trails can be protected by encryption, access protection, or made resistant to tampering by digital signature based on secure elements. Voice and video calls as well as data streams for M2M communication can be protected by the card in high speed.
Swissbit offers product-related services:
• security firmware and drivers
• logo printing
• optical and electronic personalization
• design-in of consigned smart card chips
As well as extended services:
• security consulting
• security training
• customer support
• design-in support
• computer consulting
• connection with eco-system partner network for turnkey solutions and quick time to market
For managing the access rights, a Swissbit configuration tool is available. Alternatively, the host OS or BIOS can implement a key management tool and communicate with the DP product via a Swissbit API, which relieves the need for low level access to the Swissbit DP device.
For protection on system level, the host needs to implement the required security functions. Swissbit provides an API (application programming interface) which, together with a PKI package (public key infrastructure) supports standard security calls with a standardized programming model. This allows implementation of secure communication channels, protection of mass storage or user authentication.
The Swissbit Secure Element device is the main key storage and can also be used as a protected storage element.