Small form factor embedded systems have often used NAND components, which were directly interfaced and managed by the host controller software. This task has become a challenge due to the increasing complexity of NAND devices and their management.

Managed NAND is the solution: a single small size BGA component incorporates multiple Flash dies, a NAND controller and the management firmware and eases the integration. Swissbit’s e.MMC EM-20 and EM-30 family covers multiple densities and interface speeds. Sophisticated NAND management makes the e.MMC ideal for applications like POS/POI, PLC, IoT, gaming, medical, or as a general boot medium for embedded applications. The EN-20 PCIe/NVMe BGA opens the door for high speed at small size.

Series Name









Data Transfer Mode

e.MMC 1-bit, 4-bit, 8-bit up to HS400


153-ball BGA, 0.5mm pitch
100-ball BGA, 1mm pitch

153-ball BGA, 0.5mm pitch

Max Outline Dimensions

11.5 x 13 x 1.2 mm
14.0 x 18 x 1.4 mm

11.5 x 13.0 x 1.0 mm

Flash Type


3D pSLC / enhanced mode


pSLC / enhanced mode

Density Range

4-512 GB

5-80 GB

4-64 GB

2-32 GB

Data Retention

10 years @ life begin
1 year @ life end

(P/E Cycles)

3k @ TLC mode
  30k @ enhanced mode Gen3 Flash
100k @ enhanded mode Gen5 Flash

3k @ MLC mode
20k @ enhanced mode

Operating Temperature

Industrial: -40°C to +85°C
Automotive: -40°C to +105°C

Industrial: -40°C to +85°C

Storage Temperature

-40°C to +85°C


Sequential Read (MB/s)
Sequential Write (MB/s)
Random 4KB Read (IOPS)
Random 4KB Write (IOPS)


up to 320
up to 240
up to 4,600
up to 2,900


up to 330
up to 250
up to 4,500
up to 2,900


up to 175
up to 21
up to 3,800
up to 1,400


up to 240
up to 120
up to 6,700
up to 6,700


VCCQ: 1.70-1.95V / 2.70-3.60V ; VCC: 2.70-3.60

Features & Tools

High performance up to HS400 mode
Sophisticated Wear Levelling & Read Disturb Management
Command Queue Feature
Production State Aware
Proven Power Fail Safety
Security features – secure erase & RPMB
Detailled life time info
AEC-Q Grade 2
Swissbit is ISO 27001 and IATF 16949 certified

High performance up to HS400 mode
Sophisticated Wear Levelling & Read Disturb Management
Page based FTL Management
Production State Aware
Proven Power Fail Safety
Security features – secure erase & RPMB

Detailed block erase counter data via the Extended CSD Register

Data care management
Data Care Management

Various effects like data retention, read disturb limits, or temperature can impact data reliability. The latest generation of Swissbit products use special methods to maintain and refresh the data for higher data integrity.

Life Time Monitoring (LTM)
Life time monitoring (LTM)

The Swissbit Life Time Monitoring feature enables users to access the memory device’s detailed Life Time Status and allows prediction of imminent failure, avoiding unexpected data loss. This feature uses an extended S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology) interface or vendor-specific commands to retrieve the Flash product information.

Power Fail Protection & Recovery
Power fail protection

Intelligent Power Fail Protection and Recovery protects data from unexpected power loss. During an unintentional shutdown, firmware routines and an intelligent hardware architecture ensure that all system and user data will be stored to the NAND.

Write Amplification Factor
WAF reduction

The WAF (write amplification factor) for MLC-based products is reduced by combining a paged based FW block management with a powerful card architecture and configuration settings.

Wear leveling
Wear leveling

Sophisticated Wear Leveling and Bad Block Management ensure that Flash cells are sparingly and equally used in order to prolong life time of the device.

Wide temperature support
Wide temperature support

Swissbit‘s embedded memory and storage solutions are designed and approved for reliable operation over a wide temperature range. The products are verified at temperature corners and prestressed with a burn-in operating functional test (Test During Burn In – TDBI).


The EN-20 is a PCIe 3.1 /NVMe 1.3 product with DRAM support and up to 4 lane operation mode offers both a high performance and short latency for modern applications. Data care management with background adaptive read refresh and media scan maintains the retention of the Flash blocks and enables long product utilization even for sparsely writing applications.

For high endurance demand the EN-26 with 3D NAND pSLC offers tenfold higher endurance compared to EN-20.

E2000 and E2600 are latest upgrades with new high density NAND Flash.

Series Name

EN-20 / E2000
EN-26 / E2600


Data Transfer Mode

PCIe Gen 3.1, 4 PCIe lanes
NVMe 1.3


BGA 391 ball, 0.8mm pitch

Outline Dimensions

16mm x 20mm x 1.8mm

Flash Type



Density Range

15-480 GB 5-160 GB

Data Retention

10 years @ life begin
1 year @ life end

Endurance [DWPD]

up to 1.8 / 2.2

up to 54 / 79

Operating Temperature

-40°C to +85°C (up to 95°C TCase)

Storage Temperature

-40°C to +85°C


Sequential Read (MB/s)
Sequential Write (MB/s)
Random 4KB Read (IOPS
Random 4KB Write (IOPS


up to 1,775 / 1,750
up to 750 / 865
up to 140,000 / 140,000
up to 112,000 / 134,000


up to 1,780 / 1,780
up to 758 / 870
up to 140,000 / 89,000
up to 136,000 / 136,000


~3,000,000 hours


3.3V ±5%, 1.8V ±5%, 0.9V ±5%

Features & Tools

HMB support
Dynamic and Static Wear Leveling
Page Mode Flash Translation Layer
Data Care Management
Write Amplification Reduction
Power Fail Data Loss Protection
In-Field Firmware Update
Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology (S.M.A.R.T.)
AES256 Encryption

Data care management
Data Care Management

Various effects like data retention, read disturb limits, or temperature can impact data reliability. The latest generation of Swissbit products use special methods to maintain and refresh the data for higher data integrity.

Life Time Monitoring (LTM)
Life time monitoring (LTM)

The Swissbit Life Time Monitoring feature enables users to access the memory device’s detailed Life Time Status and allows prediction of imminent failure, avoiding unexpected data loss. This feature uses an extended S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology) interface or vendor-specific commands to retrieve the Flash product information.

Power Fail Protection & Recovery
Power fail protection

Intelligent Power Fail Protection and Recovery protects data from unexpected power loss. During an unintentional shutdown, firmware routines and an intelligent hardware architecture ensure that all system and user data will be stored to the NAND.

Secure erase
Secure erase (Sanitize / Purge) / Fast erase

This feature uses an uninterruptable sequence of data erase commands. Even a power off can’t stop the process, which will continue upon restoration of power. The optional enhanced feature allows the customer to sanitize the data according to different standards like DoD, NSA, IREC, etc. The purge algorithm can be started by a software command or through a hardware pin.

Temperature sensor
Temperature sensor

The sensor allows the host hardware or software to monitor the memory device temperature to improve data reliability in the target application environment.

TRIM support
Trim support

The TRIM command allows the operating system to inform the SSD which blocks of data are no longer considered in use and can be wiped out internally, which increases system performance in following write accesses. With TRIM Support data scrap can be deleted in advance, which otherwise would slow down future write operations to the involved blocks.

Write Amplification Factor
WAF reduction

The WAF (write amplification factor) for MLC-based products is reduced by combining a paged based FW block management with a powerful card architecture and configuration settings.

Wear leveling
Wear leveling

Sophisticated Wear Leveling and Bad Block Management ensure that Flash cells are sparingly and equally used in order to prolong life time of the device.

Wide temperature support
Wide temperature support

Swissbit‘s embedded memory and storage solutions are designed and approved for reliable operation over a wide temperature range. The products are verified at temperature corners and prestressed with a burn-in operating functional test (Test During Burn In – TDBI).